Lincolnshire Wildlife Park

Lincolnshire Wildlife Park is a premier animal attraction offering close encounters with endangered species, family days out, events, and is home to the parrot sanctuary.

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About This Business

Experience close encounters with endangered species, discover wild animals and enjoy an unforgettable family day out at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park. Located between Skegness and Boston, Lincolnshire Wildlife Park is the county’s premier animal attraction and offers a wild experience for all ages. Lincolnshire Wildlife Park provides a sanctuary for endangered animals and offers a fascinating array of creatures, mammals, birds, and reptiles to see and interact with. From Bengal Tigers and Black Leopards to Reindeer and Iguanas.

Open all year round, Lincolnshire Wildlife Park hosts a range of events throughout the seasons, so check out what’s on and get the most out of your visit.

Lincolnshire Wildlife Park is wheelchair accessible, including low viewing stations, ample picnic areas, and all-weather paths across the park.

The Rainforest Diner offers freshly cooked meals, drinks and snacks during your visit and the on-site gift shop gives you plenty of reasons to pick up some fluffy creatures or memorabilia to take home.

Animal Experiences

If you fancy getting even more up-close and personal with the animals at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park, the experienced animal keepers host a range of ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ animal experiences. These amazing animal walkthroughs allow you to get closer than ever before, with a selection of the park’s royalty, including the Bengal Tiger Experience, the Tiger Tours and the Lemur Experience. The Lemurs are especially friendly and will likely jump and play around you! These experiences make great gifts and offer an opportunity to meet the animals, one you won’t soon forget. The park also offers personal feeding experiences where you can go behind the scenes and learn about the diets of some of the park’s residents.

(Additional fees apply to all animal experiences)

Parrot Sanctuary

Lincolnshire Wildlife Park is also home to the largest collection of Parrots in the UK at the ‘National Parrot Sanctuary’ run by the Parrot Zoo Trust. This centre provides a long-term sanctuary for over 100 different species of Parrots and parakeets. Impressively, over one-third of the UK’s entire Parrot population lives right here at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park, so there’s no better place in the UK to come and say hello to these rare birds – they may just say it back!

Dedicated to the conservation of endangered species, Lincolnshire Wildlife Park is supported by an experienced team of animal experts and volunteers who work tirelessly to support and care for these endangered and sometimes vulnerable animals, your visit allows the team to continue doing their impressive work for generations to come.

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