Who else is trying to make more of a conscious effort to help reduce waste and the use of plastic in their daily routine?

We are, that is why we now have our own reusable ecoffee cup created with the world’s fastest growing, most sustainable crop – bamboo fibre, Ecoffee Cup is BPA and phthalate free and dishwasher safe.

Every time you use your Ecoffee Cup you’re helping make a tiny dent in the 100 billion single-use coffee cups that go to land fill each year!

Did you know that:

• Disposable paper cups contain 5% polyurethane plastic, making composting and recycling of disposable cups extremely rare

• Half a trillion disposable cups are manufactured annually around the world; that’s over 70 disposable cups for every person on the planet.

• Most plastic used in the world today is for single-use items

If you are a business and would like to stock the NEW #VisitLincsCoast ecoffee cup then please get in touch with us to order yours today.

As part of your order we will have a full marketing resource pack and social media material to go alongside the product. We will also list your business on our website as a stockist and the discount you give to people who use reusable coffee cups instead of single use (where applicable).

If you are not a business and would like to purchase one of our re-usable cups please email us at info@visitlincscoast.co.uk. These are available for £8.95

#VisitLincsCoast #LessPlasticMorePlanet