Wildlife Watch - What to look out for in November!

November's Wildlife Highlights

Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Grey seals are along our coast throughout the year; however November is the best time to visit the breeding colony at Donna Nook. Here the females haul up to give birth and the males battle to win over the females. The pups remain on the shore for up to five weeks before venturing out to sea.Grey seals at Donna Nook

Brent Goose (Branta bernicla)

Brent geese have arrived in vast numbers from their breeding grounds in Siberia to feed in the fields and saltmarshes around the Wash for the winter. This is a small black-and-white goose not much bigger than a mallard and with a distinctive white “necklace”. They can congregate in flocks numbering in the thousands and will fly off in a cacophony of noise at the slightest disturbance.

Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)

This incredibly large bird stays in Britain throughout the year. The east coast populations are augmented by birds arriving for the winter from northern Europe. An impressive bird in flight with long, broad wings, they can be found virtually anywhere there is fresh water. Though their main diet is fish they will also eat frogs, toads and small waterbirds.

Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)

At the other end of the size scale is our smallest bird the Goldcrest. Weighing in at not much more than a five pence piece this hyperactive bird can be quite oblivious to observers and give great views, look out for the yellow crest. Incredibly for such a small bird, many of the birds here over winter have migrated across the North Sea to supplement our resident population.

Photo: Paul Neale

Strandline safari

The strandline is marine debris dropped during the last tide. It is a fascinating area to explore and can give an idea of the huge biodiversity found in our seas – without getting wet.

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, safeguarding wildlife and wild places in Lincolnshire and promoting understanding and enjoyment of the natural world from The Humber to The Wash.

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Dave Miller, Coast & The Wash Warden. Email: dmiller@lincstrust.co.uk